Author: admin

purging behaviors

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia exists when a person severely cuts down the amount of food they eat. They might experience dramatic weight loss which can be life threatening, while still believing they need to lose more. They...

binge eating

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia exists when a person eats large amounts of food in a way that feels out of control then compensates by vomiting, starving, exercising or using laxatives. The person may not change in size...

nutrition counseling

Males and Eating Disorders

The following report was compiled by: Tom Shiltz, MS CADCIII, Rogers Memorial Hospital, Oconomowoc, WI. Prevalence of Eating Disorders Among Males Approximately 10% of eating disordered individuals coming to the attention of mental health...


Eating Disorders in General

What is an eating disorder? The simple answer: An eating disorder is present when a person: is constantly thinking about eating or not eating feels out of control around food uses food to meet...

Eating disorder

Statistics on Eating Disorders

Anorexia Average age of onset 17 years. The age of people with anorexia nervosa appears to be getting younger with cases being diagnosed in girls as young as 11 years of age Prevalence In...