Category: Where to get help

Where to get help

support groups

Top Places for Support in New Zealand

I. Introduction In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of knowing Where to get help cannot be overstated. Whether you’re facing mental health challenges, physical ailments, financial difficulties, or other personal struggles, seeking support is...

purging behaviors

Eating disorders

Eating disorders are a group of conditions characterized by abnormal eating habits that can lead to serious health problems. The most common types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating...



Please note that type of service available varies greatly between the places/people listed in this document. PERTH The following community, public and private health services provide support, guidance and treatment for people who live...

emotional well-being


The following people and places provide a range of counselling and psychotheraputic services. Please note that type of service available varies greatly between places. MELBOURNE Banksia House — Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre                                                              For treatment...



The following people and places provide a range of counselling and psychotheraputic services. Please note that type of service available varies greatly between places. BRISBANE The following community, public and private health services provide...

distorted body image


The following people and places provide a range of counselling and psychotheraputic services. Please note that type of service available varies greatly between places. CHRISTCHURCH Eating Awareness Team     Caretaker’s Cottage Phone   03...

food restriction


The following people and places provide a range of counselling and psychotheraputic services. Please note that type of service available varies greatly between places. AUCKLAND Auckland Eating Disorders Service Regional Specialist Service 13 Maidstone...